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作者:原创 来源:本站 点击数:1454 更新时间:2013/7/24 10:01:30


Hong Kong Education (Int’l) Investments Limited is a leading provider of chained educational services in Hong Kong. We are the only company listed on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in the industry. We offer arrays of quality educational programmes and services to serve students of different age groups and with different needs. Our services ranging from primary and secondary tutoring class, creative and critical mind training, secondary day school education, English language training and International test preparation courses, to overseas studies consultation and study programmes cooperated with overseas universities. We provide quality private education services under well recognized brands, namely “Modern Education”, “Modern College”, “Modern Bachelor Education”, “New Era Bachelor Education Centre”, “Modern English”, “Modern Overseas Studies”, “Creative Education Technology” and “eFunRead”.

We believe our brand, “Modern Education”, in particular, is one of the leading brands in Hong Kong's private education services sector. This is evidenced by its recognition as a “Trusted Brand” awarded by the Reader’s Digest consecutively for three years in 2008, 2009 and 2010; this “Trusted Brand” recognition was given to the prominent service provider in the industry basing on the customer surveys conducted by the Reader’s Digest during the relevant period. Amongst all of the private education services providers in Hong Kong, we were one of the only two institutions being awarded with this recognition.

“Modern Education” was voted as “The Best for Home 10-11” in a survey organized by the Take me Home Community Post in 2010. “The Best for Home 10-11” Award was given basing on the votes cast by readers of the Take me Home Community Post. Out of all the private education service providers in Hong Kong, we were the only institution given this award in 2010.

During 2011-2012, we gained a number of recognitions in Hong Kong, including the award as the Premium Education Services Provider in “The Best Performance Company Awards 2011” organized by the Capital Weekly, the “President’s Award” by The Community Chest of Hong Kong, the award of “Best IT Application System” in the HKGolden IT Awards 2012 by HKGolden, the award of “Hong Kong Star Brands Award 2012 (Enterprise)” by Hong Kong Small and Medium Enterprises Association and Hong Kong Trade Development Council, and the “Caring Company Logo” by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service in recognition of our commitment in Caring for the Community, Caring for the Employees and Caring for the Environment.

To extend our mission to provide quality education services into Greater China, since 2012, we have provided consultation and management services to four high schools in Guangdong province - Shaoguan No. 1 High School, Guangdong Jiangmen No. 1 High School, Guangming High School and Zhong Shan Overseas Chinese Middle School. Leveraging on our expertise in operating test preparation courses on international tests and examinations, we had helped these schools to set up their own international high school programmes. These courses are operating and helping the local Chinese students to prepare themselves in pursuing higher education in overseas.

The Group has strived to provide quality educational service by broadening the existing service portfolio through teaming up with talents in the markets. In 2012, we had reached strategic partnerships with Shenzhen Yiwen Book IMP & EXP Co. and M Dream Inworld Limited, to develop an e-book platform, the eFunRead, to serve the surging e-learning demand in the region. In 2013, we have found good partners in Hong Kong and Taiwan; we acquired and set up respective JV companies to expand our educational services into kindergarten management, creative mind training and vocational training.

香港现代教育官网 http://www.modern.edu.hk/

香港教育(国际) 投资集团有限公司是提供优质私人补习和教育服务的领导者。我们是唯一一家于香港联交所主板上市的教育机构。集团提供广泛系列的教育课程和服务,针对不同年龄层的学生和学习目标的需求,服务范围涵盖中小学补习、儿童增进思考力训练、正规日校课堂、英语培训和国际英语考试的应试课程、海外升学咨询服务和有关衔接海外大学的课程和服务。我们以「现代教育」、「现代书院」、「现代小学士」、「新世代学士教室」、「现代英语」、「现代海外升学」、「创意教育科技」和「eFunRead」等品牌提供优质的私人教育服务。

香港教育(国际) 投资集团有限公司附属的「现代教育」品牌是香港私人教育服务界主要品牌之一,我们在2008、2009和2010年连续三年获得《读者文摘》颁授「信誉品牌」; 并在2010年得到《生活区报》颁授「香港家庭最爱品牌大赏10-11」。「信誉品牌」嘉许是根据《读者文摘》在有关期间内进行的客户调查而颁授的。在香港所有提供私人教育服务的机构中,我们是获得嘉许的两所机构之一。「香港家庭最爱品牌大赏10-11」是由《生活区报》的读者投票后颁授。我们是香港所有私人教育服务供应者中唯一获得这项嘉许的机构。在2011至2012年期间我们在香港获颁多项嘉许,包括由《资本壹周》设立的「优质企业巡礼2011之优质教育机构」荣誉、由香港公益金颁授的「公益荣誉奖」、由香港高登颁授的香港高登IT品牌赏2012的「最佳IT应用系统」奖、由香港中小型企业联合会和香港贸易发展局颁授的「香港星级品牌大奖2012」企业奖和由香港社会服务联会颁发的「商界展关怀」标志, 以表扬集团对关怀小区、关怀雇员和关怀环境所作出的贡献。


为了拓展在华南地区的市场,我们在2012年己经开始为广东省内四所中学 - 韶关市第一中学、广东江门市第一中学和东莞市光明中学和中山市华侨中学,提供教育咨询和管理服务。凭着我们在营办国际标准测试和考试应试课程的丰富经验和专长,成功协助这四所中学开办的国际高中课程正在运营, 并为当地计划到海外接受高等教育的中国学生作好准备。

此外在2012年,我们联同深圳市益文图书进出口公司和联梦活力世界有限公司达成策略性合作协议, 携手拓展国内电子书籍业务和电子学习服务的市场。

在2013年, 集团分别与香港、台湾伙伴合作,并成立个别合资公司共同开拓香港、澳门、台湾和中国在教育科技、网上教育、幼儿园、小学、中学、专上教育、 和职业训练教育课程的庞大潜在市场和机遇。

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